NOVEMBER IS NOW UPON US. Last month, I was still golfing and riding in my cart on the hills of my favorite golf courses. November is a great month for me. I begin preparing for winter, saying good-bye to Halloween candy and spooky yard displays. Fallen leaves are found everywhere and slowly deteriorating pumpkins tell me there is change in the air.
I miss the burning leaves of my youth. Somehow that event got nixed by some authority yielding to clean air activists. It must have made sense. Of course, so did Vietnam. This is not a political blog, but now that my golf shirts are made in Hanoi, couldn’t we burn leaves again?
It is an invigorating time as one gets used to the rapidly changing landscape, topped off with Thanksgiving near the end of the month. I like Thanksgiving as it is a family time, with happy memories of my parents and cousins and whiskey sours and a respectable team known as the Detroit Lions. They are all gone, relegated to a passed era.
On that Thursday this month I will make honeyed onions, mashed potatoes, REAL cranberry sauce, green beans, fresh sage dressing, and this year’s newest approach, turkey loaf. I look forward to that special day with thankful delight.