CABBAGE IS A SURPRISING culinary discovery for me; its versatility is evident in the recipes I’m trying this winter.
The above photo is a variety known as “pointed cabbage.” I think it resembles an enlarged heart. I bought it from 9 Bean Rows at their booth in the Farmer’s Market at the Mercato where they reside on Saturdays in the winter. It will be used in a few dishes I’m making in January.
Cole Slaw was most of my familiarity with cabbage over the years. I also remember eating cabbage rolls once at an event near Three Rivers during graduate school, but that was the extent of my experiences with cabbage. This will change with my interest in these newer recipes.
My year-long diet reboot is about embracing behavioral changes; using cabbage in recipes falls under this newer culinary endeavor. My goal is to knock off thirty pounds by June 1st. I’m over halfway there surviving a minor setback over the holidays and have twelve pounds to go. Yes, I am both counting calories and journaling.
Cabbage has various health benefits and offers this with the slightest of calories; it has come into my universe in my newer choices of what goes into my body.
Cabbage Recipes I’m Trying in January
Quick Sauerkraut
Red Cabbage Kielbasa
Cabbage Soup
Cole Slaw
Turkey and Cabbage Casserole